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Old 09-03-2012, 11:27 PM   #211
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by svo supporter
Not defending the gov't and there stuffed up policies, but the roads we drive on are pathetic to start with. Throw in the mix, a few knuckle head drivers and voila, this is about all the pollies can come up with to try and stop it.
No it isn't the only thing that they could come up with. Its just the easier to not do anything, but instead shift responsibiltiy elsewhere ( to the motorist) rather than take the reigns and show a bit of leadership and foresight and come up with good policy to actually fix the issue.

You said it yourself. The roads are crap and the driving standard is crap. Crushing cars isn't fixing either of those issues.

The right move would be to improve roads somewhere closer to the standards that other 1st world countries enjoy and increase the level of driver training. Best of both worlds then as speed limits on opened roads could be increased in line with better road conditions and driver competency. Better trained drivers also would do less silly things in built up areas. Win win!

They're just not interested in a real solution though because that costs money. Better to keep the status quo, collect heaps of revenue from minor offences and make an example of the odd one by crushing a car or two, or at least threatening to. It wont lower the road toll but it gets peoples attention and appeases the wowser vote into thinking that GovCo are doing something about it all.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:54 PM   #212
malazn mafia
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by svo supporter
Sorry Flappist, but your wrong. Get banned driving in one state, it carry's over in ALL states. Not just the one you've been pinged in.

This came about because people held licences in various states and would get banned in one state, so they just used another legitmate licence when pulled up again in that state the licence was banned in. So the Gov't decided to nationalise the system to prevent this happening. (Truckies were the most common ones flouting this loophole)

Next time you're at your local rego office, ask for a copy of a licence application. It clearly states "have you ever been disqualified from obtaining a drivers licence in any state", or words to those effect. Should you answer "no" and you have been banned, you'll book a date with the magistrate. (Not those exact words, but you'll get the drift. It's in fine print underneath the question too)
You have 28 days to pay the fine after being issued with the ticket. In those 28 days you are not disqualified in your home state at all, and no demerits are recorded yet. The question on the application form asks 'are you currently disqualified from obtaining a licence in any state?', it does not say 'will you be disqualified in the future?'. If 28 days have already elapsed/you have paid the fine, you must answer yes and then your application will be rejected, cop it on the chin. If 28 days hasn't passed and you haven't paid the fine, you are not lying by saying you are not disqualified, because legally you are licensed until you pay the fine or the 28 days have elapsed. It's all about timing...
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Old 10-03-2012, 12:10 AM   #213
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by svo supporter
All good and well to put up these icons, but got any other ideas what to do?

If they look like they're morons, take them out the bush and shoot 'em....
Figured thatd be the case.

GovCo work for us. But since people dont stand up against Govco when they implement rubbish laws, they can bend us over whenever they feel like it.

Sure learn to live with it...but its only going to get worse this way.

But when a group of people stand up to it, they are shot down by all the brainwashed people and authorities.

Ah well, thats my opinion.
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Old 10-03-2012, 01:02 AM   #214
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by Craiginmackay
This is the type of big city driver attitude I was alluding to a couple of pages back. You live in Sydney, so you don't neccesarily grasp what some of us are on about, because you have never actually experienced it. Or if you have it hasn't been long term. Perhaps on a holliday or a long road trip you took a couple of years ago, but not on a regular basis while you are trying to get to work, etc.

Have you actually travelled anywhere outside of Sydney? It sounds sarcastic, but I'm not being smart. I know a lot of people from Sydney who rarely leave and if they do its by plane to another capital city. They havent driven the country and seen its vastness, nor have they experienced the joke that are out national highways. They havent experienced fatigue behind the wheel either as the longest they have been in a car is the journey to and from work.

Where you live, you never need to do 140 to get around a truck before you have a head on with oncoming traffic because every road you use has at least 2 or 3 lanes to choose from and a big divider to stop you having a head on with a truck coming the other way.

Whats more if you have the need for speed, you jump on the M4 for 25 minutes and go drag racing or do a track day.

Now compare my current address and the road situation:
I live 800klm from the nearest piece dual carriage way highway, which is about 90 minutes north of Brisbane. The main road between here and that piece of dual carriageway has a passing lane every 40-50klm, or half an hour if you like. Do you sit behind anyone for half an hour on the M4? This highway is the supply line for about 1.5 million people so its a busy road with plenty of prime movers, as well as retired Sydneysiders towing vans at about 20klm under the speed limit.

These passing lanes usually are not long enough for more than 3 or 4 cars to get around a slower vehicle. When everyone gets to those passing lanes, they all speed up, so the place to pass is elsewhere on the road wherever there are broken lines.

I don't get the luxury of pulling into the right lane and speeding up 4KPH to eventually get past some slow moving traffic like you would on the M4. I have to get out and round them up quickly before I am involved in a head on.

The track days that I do on my bike, consists of a 2000klm round trip down to Ipswich. The exercise costs me over $1K each time. Not quite the same as a 25 minute trip down the M4!

Australia doesn't stop at Newcastle to the north, Penrith to the west, the 'gong to the South and Bondi to the east. If you haven't done any driving outside of these areas, then how can you preach to those of us who do about how to drive these roads from the land of the great dual carriageway!
I like this post. It's very true. I have been on country roads before in the middle of the night where I have not seen another car for an hour, Travelling just under 100kms in that time. We then pulled over and it was another 45 minutes before we actually saw another car
On these roads there are some pretty nice straights where 130 in this 100kmh zone would be safe. But if that one car you see ever 105minutes happens to be a highway patrol, you would then be considered a hoon and the worst person in the world.
Lucky cop cars are extremely rare on these roads.
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Old 10-03-2012, 01:27 AM   #215
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by Craiginmackay
This is the type of big city driver attitude I was alluding to a couple of pages back. You live in Sydney, so you don't neccesarily grasp what some of us are on about, because you have never actually experienced it. Or if you have it hasn't been long term. Perhaps on a holliday or a long road trip you took a couple of years ago, but not on a regular basis while you are trying to get to work, etc.

Have you actually travelled anywhere outside of Sydney? It sounds sarcastic, but I'm not being smart. I know a lot of people from Sydney who rarely leave and if they do its by plane to another capital city. They havent driven the country and seen its vastness, nor have they experienced the joke that are out national highways. They havent experienced fatigue behind the wheel either as the longest they have been in a car is the journey to and from work.

Where you live, you never need to do 140 to get around a truck before you have a head on with oncoming traffic because every road you use has at least 2 or 3 lanes to choose from and a big divider to stop you having a head on with a truck coming the other way.

Whats more if you have the need for speed, you jump on the M4 for 25 minutes and go drag racing or do a track day.

Now compare my current address and the road situation:
I live 800klm from the nearest piece dual carriage way highway, which is about 90 minutes north of Brisbane. The main road between here and that piece of dual carriageway has a passing lane every 40-50klm, or half an hour if you like. Do you sit behind anyone for half an hour on the M4? This highway is the supply line for about 1.5 million people so its a busy road with plenty of prime movers, as well as retired Sydneysiders towing vans at about 20klm under the speed limit.

These passing lanes usually are not long enough for more than 3 or 4 cars to get around a slower vehicle. When everyone gets to those passing lanes, they all speed up, so the place to pass is elsewhere on the road wherever there are broken lines.

I don't get the luxury of pulling into the right lane and speeding up 4KPH to eventually get past some slow moving traffic like you would on the M4. I have to get out and round them up quickly before I am involved in a head on.

The track days that I do on my bike, consists of a 2000klm round trip down to Ipswich. The exercise costs me over $1K each time. Not quite the same as a 25 minute trip down the M4!

Australia doesn't stop at Newcastle to the north, Penrith to the west, the 'gong to the South and Bondi to the east. If you haven't done any driving outside of these areas, then how can you preach to those of us who do about how to drive these roads from the land of the great dual carriageway!
Well out of interest your assumptions are way of the mark, as I mentioned before I drive for a living (now mostly around Sydney) but for many many years I used to commute between Sydney, Dubbo, Mudgee, Bourke, Cobar, Nyngan, Wagga, Bendigo, Hay, Moree, Taree and every one horse town in between, traveled along the dingo fence, Fords Bridge and clocked up countless thousands of Km's on dirt roads around Bourke, Broken Hill, and all the other places mentioned, competing with road trains, wild life and crazy drivers and have probably driven to a hundred other places most people have never heard of, not counting many interstate trips all over Australia (it was my job to drive to all these places), have driven these stretches of road in all conditions, from snow and ice to 47 degree heat and at night for years and years on a daily basis, hence my acute awareness of these issues.

Again may be if you need to travel at 140km/hr to get around a truck before you have a head on collision did you ever consider not overtaking the truck and not risking your life to save a few minutes, and simply over take when it is safe to do so. I know it's a novel idea, but it might just save you paying these fines, and more importantly it might spare the poor family coming the other way their life

I have had to pull over onto the dirt off the road on more than one occasion because someone decided they could not wait to overtake, if I had continued driving I would probably be dead, have also had to evade several bike riders doing the same thing.
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Old 10-03-2012, 01:28 AM   #216
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Here's a bit more food for thought...........

the nature of my job, see's me use the freeways (and tollways) almost daily, for most of the day (service work).
As you know, you need to be in the left lane to exit wherever.

I prudently travel in the middle lane, or in the second lane from the right, till I see my exit coming up in a few km's.

I travel at just under the limit - (usually 1-2 speedo needle widths) and maintain a 3-4 second gap from the car in front (which is a suprisingly long way apart), but almost always get people close behind.

The problem I find, is that people LOVE to hog the left lane, and seem to like travelling in rat runs, all right up the *** of each other.
Wouldn't have a hope in hell of avoiding a sudden stop.

I find that these coupes of cars, are most often travelling at, just over, or just under the posted limit.

I find that when I wish to move left in preperation to exit, quite often no-one wants to let you in.
Now, whether it's that they're not aware of the surroundings, or are just being protective of their roadspace, I dunno.

HOWEVER, the net result, is that I either have to slow down SIGNIFICANTLY, in my lane, to slot in behind the rat run, or I have to briefly accellerate above their speed, in order to move left.

It depends on where I am, in relation to the rat run, and how many cars it's comprised of.

In this instance, I'm interested to hear what people think, is the lesser of two evils.

1. Slow down by 20-30k's, and slot in behind - legal, but risks an unattentive driver up the ***, due to how close they travel.

2. Speed up briefly, obtain a safe distance from the car behind, and slot in front - technically illegal, but arguably the safer thing to do, whilst travelling at speed on an open roadway.

It's a hard call to make, and more often than not, I choose to smoothly reduce my speed, and get in at the back of the conga line, or hope that a good samaritan lets me in.

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Old 10-03-2012, 01:34 AM   #217
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Seems to me you are well aware of your surrounding and you make smart decisions when driving by thinking about your options and considering the consequences.
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:04 AM   #218
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

well it seems . i'm a mug , i must not put my foot to the floor when overtaking any dangerous vehicle .
of course if i were to test the throttle ,that means i deserve to not own a car ,or be employed , that means i support , speeding in school zones , am a re3ckless dad who could've killed me and my son on his peewee 50 on the footpath , even though i could've rolled faster in a shopping trolley , there is no difference between this and popping a mono on the road with a one heanded finger in the air apparantely . . trying to find such excuses for such irresponsibble beahviour , it's no wonder people like me get killed , and should be off the road . i'll back that up by saying in my youth , all my parents , friends , family etc really shouldnt exist , because i think they may have at one time or another . put there foot to the floor for a few seconds .
really though , there is merit in what some are saying here . i did smoke a couple of cigarettes under age 16 as well , so its no wonder i've turned out like this .
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:48 AM   #219
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

One of the things about life is it is NOT black and white.

There is no single solution or rule that is the safest for every situation and anyone who thinks that the application of a simple rule will solve a complex problem is both foolish and naive.

Getting angry because someone either does not understand your position or just opposes it for whatever reason they feel is correct is pointless as both of you are wrong and both of you are right......
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:51 AM   #220
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Again may be if you need to travel at 140km/hr to get around a truck before you have a head on collision did you ever consider not overtaking the truck and not risking your life to save a few minutes, and simply over take when it is safe to do so. I know it's a novel idea, but it might just save you paying these fines, and more importantly it might spare the poor family coming the other way their life

you know you should really read the 1st post in this thread . it describes potential circumstances , not all . you dont always have to be on a i two way road to overtake a wandering truck , sometimes you can be on a 3 lane highway , on a divided road . in the unlikly even that the truck driver is sleeping , otr drugged off his head , the choices are to pull over and wait 5 minutes , or perhaps pass the driver when safe to do so , realising that this driver probably drives for hours like this everyday ,
then your choice is do you overtake without speeding , or hi tail it a bit .

you have mixed the words up and made it sound like were in the middle of the outback on a blindspot .
may i remind you that the consequences of losing you car and getting iit squashed are the same in both circumstances . ( the thread is not about losing your licence) thats another topic . .
it's people like you , that really make these laws necessary .
i think i'll bow out of the thread now , and accept . people want to lose there cars because of a potential radar ping .
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Old 10-03-2012, 10:13 AM   #221
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Red face Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

I agree that speeding enforcements are ramping up in NSW ie new highway patrol cars dedicated to all motorways in Sydney. Not a day goes by without spotting between 2-3 hwy cars on the m2 which is under construction at present and speed reductions everywhere.
I like others on here drive a performance vehicle and now have to pay more attention to my speedometre then the road due to the fact that I will lose my car for going over 45kmh which is quite easy to do in modern cars of today and let alone performance cars. I did get pulled over after 10 years for doin 49kmh over the limit after leaving a set of lights. 1800 fine with 6 months plus suspension from the day I got the ticket as the officer made me sign a court document where if caught again I will be in court for more suspension time. This is all from a moment of lack of concentration on my speedometre. I tried to get the suspension waived or reduced as I had a clean driving record but was rejected due to the 49kmh over the limit. I was willing to pay the fine though.
I am so annoyed at the fact that I can get on the wrong side of the law quickly as I drive a performance car and seen as a hoon because of my car.
The way things are going there will be no one left with a drivers license as stated earlier. Voting for parties will not change anything as it is a major revenue source for the government. It was very funny seeing the new elected party in NSW remove low earning speed cameras to keep its voters happy. Get over it.
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Old 10-03-2012, 11:31 AM   #222
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by TheInterceptor
Figured thatd be the case.

GovCo work for us. But since people dont stand up against Govco when they implement rubbish laws, they can bend us over whenever they feel like it.

Sure learn to live with it...but its only going to get worse this way.

But when a group of people stand up to it, they are shot down by all the brainwashed people and authorities.

Ah well, thats my opinion.

I'm not disagreeing with you. Personally I hate the gov't, wowsers and all the other "doo gooders" that have a panic attack over pathetic things, rather than digging to the bottom of the problem.

That being said, I think the main reason the gov't is putting this in place is, almost everyone would hate to loose their pride and joy (ie car) and have it crushed. So they are using this fear tactic to stop people doing these sorts of things.

My theory, be it right or wrong.

Oh and I still hate the gov't and wowsers associated with this sort of bulldust.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone
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Old 10-03-2012, 11:35 AM   #223
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by malazn mafia
You have 28 days to pay the fine after being issued with the ticket. In those 28 days you are not disqualified in your home state at all, and no demerits are recorded yet. The question on the application form asks 'are you currently disqualified from obtaining a licence in any state?', it does not say 'will you be disqualified in the future?'. If 28 days have already elapsed/you have paid the fine, you must answer yes and then your application will be rejected, cop it on the chin. If 28 days hasn't passed and you haven't paid the fine, you are not lying by saying you are not disqualified, because legally you are licensed until you pay the fine or the 28 days have elapsed. It's all about timing...

So that means, getting busted high range drunk driving, you can still drive after you've sobered up.....Don't think so.....This is an automatic licence loss/disqualification. The period it's lost for is then upto the man behind the desk, but your still disqualified on the spot, therefore not able to legally drive in any state or territory.

This then brings into play, the second part of the question on the licence application. "if answered yes, what for", or words to that effect.

In the nanny state of S.A, they can conficate your car for you driving unlicenced, so it gives the gov't another avenue to take yuor pride and joy.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone

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Old 10-03-2012, 12:03 PM   #224
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .


in this company, you're thoughts unfortunately are not going to sway those most eager to rebutt.

Let it go, its not a position that you will instill on them. Understand also, that there are people in here that are tasked with enforcing the very laws you are concerned with, and to be blunt, the position they MUST adopt will never meet with your own.

It is their job, (in fact, it is also a lifestyle in most cases, going by the members that I know well) and would be inappropriate for them to have any other position on the matter.

That's not a criticism of you mate, I just don't think any middle ground will ever be achieved on this topic, regardless of how many more pages the debate rages.
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Old 10-03-2012, 12:39 PM   #225
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by TheInterceptor
So how many people on their last strike do you reckon would run when they know their car will be taken off them?


all it will do is put lives at risk more i think.

i dont condone anyone speeding in traffic, but im no angel either, theres a time and place.
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Old 10-03-2012, 01:03 PM   #226
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

These days, I drive at or slightly below the speed limits but I get so sick and tired of drivers who overtake
me on my right only to chop in front, brake and turn left... I mean wtf, why do people do that?
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Old 10-03-2012, 01:38 PM   #227
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

these threads make me laugh
the government panics and makes a knee jerk type decision and the enthusiast world panics and comes out with knee jerk type scenarios

there are only 2 reasons why someone would be going 45 kph over the speed limit
1. they know the limit and choose to ignore it - and in some mitigating situations that "may" be ok
2. they don't realise they are going that much over the limit (40% over in a 110 zone . . . obviously a higher percentage in a lesser zone). these people are either liars or they are dangerous, because they have no idea about what they are doing

i would hazard a guess and suggest that those who have been caught have been guilty many more times, and if that is the case the "poor little old me" line about only breaking the law twice is a little misleading

high performance cars are not an excuse - if you cannot keep it within the rules, you should not be driving it. an affordable high performance car will reach 100 kph in around 4-6 seconds. that would probably mean that 150 kph would take at least 6-8 seconds to achieve. anyone who is nailed in a high performance car for that long would have to have an idea about what speed they are doing - no ifs, buts or maybes

do i agree with the rule - not sure. i see the point in it, but also see some flaws. however, if the negative group came up with real excuses, then i would be closer to disagreeing with it. when the excuses are a lame as the reason for the rules, i cannot help but dismiss them

the old $100,000 versus $3000 car doesn't work with me either. most people buy the best car they can afford, so replacing it is no doubt difficult no matter what it's initial cost was. if i could afford a bmw or gt, i think i would be appreciative of the fact i had one, than worried about the very slim chance i might lose it for being stupid
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Old 10-03-2012, 03:26 PM   #228
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by gtxb67
these threads make me laugh
the government panics and makes a knee jerk type decision and the enthusiast world panics and comes out with knee jerk type scenarios

the old $100,000 versus $3000 car doesn't work with me either. most people buy the best car they can afford, so replacing it is no doubt difficult no matter what it's initial cost was. if i could afford a bmw or gt, i think i would be appreciative of the fact i had one, than worried about the very slim chance i might lose it for being stupid

I agree with the knee jerk reactions by enthusiast.

Buying the best car they can afford doesn't always ring true. Some people buy a cheapie because it's something they like, not because money is tight or what ever the case maybe. So the threat of taking there toy/s away from them for being naughty seems to be the way the gov't is working in this area. . (Very much like when kids misbehave. Take their toys away from them for punishment)

I'd be inclined to think, if the gov't are going to take peoples cars, because they've been idiots, sell them off and put the money towards fixing our roads. Then it might help prevent some of the complains about our roads.

Food for thought.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone
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Old 10-03-2012, 04:30 PM   #229
malazn mafia
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by svo supporter
So that means, getting busted high range drunk driving, you can still drive after you've sobered up.....Don't think so.....This is an automatic licence loss/disqualification. The period it's lost for is then upto the man behind the desk, but your still disqualified on the spot, therefore not able to legally drive in any state or territory.

This then brings into play, the second part of the question on the licence application. "if answered yes, what for", or words to that effect.

In the nanny state of S.A, they can conficate your car for you driving unlicenced, so it gives the gov't another avenue to take yuor pride and joy.
Drink driving is a different matter altogether. They remove your license on the spot. Speeding is left open for a court hearing if requested (28 day period to lodge a complaint), during which you can still legally drive.
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Old 10-03-2012, 07:46 PM   #230
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

It's simple, if you don't break the law, you've got nothing to worry about.
It's because of the common joe that thinks they know better is why we're in this mess.
Just my two bobs worth.
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:26 PM   #231
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by VICFPV
I like others on here drive a performance vehicle and now have to pay more attention to my speedometre then the road due to the fact that I will lose my car for going over 45kmh which is quite easy to do in modern cars of today and let alone performance cars. I did get pulled over after 10 years for doin 49kmh over the limit after leaving a set of lights. 1800 fine with 6 months plus suspension from the day I got the ticket as the officer made me sign a court document where if caught again I will be in court for more suspension time. This is all from a moment of lack of concentration on my speedometre. I tried to get the suspension waived or reduced as I had a clean driving record but was rejected due to the 49kmh over the limit. I was willing to pay the fine though.
I am so annoyed at the fact that I can get on the wrong side of the law quickly as I drive a performance car and seen as a hoon because of my car.
So you took off from lights and were doing what? 120 in a 60 zone?? or something like that??
and you call it a "momentary of lack of concentration on my speedometer"

if you are not aware you are going twice the speed limit without looking at your speedo then you deserve to not have a licence

The Judge and police know the difference between a "Momentary loss of concentration"(still not a valid excuse) and plain stupidity. that is why you got no leniency
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:31 PM   #232
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:46 PM   #233
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Speed limits on highways differ from state and territory, 130 Kmh in NT and WA, SA it is 110Kmh, Fines differ from state and territory also, truth is the Constitution says the Federal law overrides any laws, so therefore, Max Speed limit should be 130 Kmh and the fines should be in line with NT, as they are governed Federally, these laws by NSW/SA Government are unconstitutional.
Originally Posted by XCPWSF
Is there portable speed cameras? Because coming home from school I noticed a cop sitting on the corner, with some box with buttons and knobs, with wires running into one of the big gum trees.

Just practicing with the Tazer on a Koala?
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Old 10-03-2012, 10:00 PM   #234
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by opto
Speed limits on highways differ from state and territory, 130 Kmh in NT and WA, SA it is 110Kmh, Fines differ from state and territory also, truth is the Constitution says the Federal law overrides any laws, so therefore, Max Speed limit should be 130 Kmh and the fines should be in line with NT, as they are governed Federally, these laws by NSW/SA Government are unconstitutional.
Me thinks you better read the constitution... in it youll find where the states are given their powers.
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 11-03-2012, 01:12 AM   #235
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by malazn mafia
Drink driving is a different matter altogether. They remove your license on the spot. Speeding is left open for a court hearing if requested (28 day period to lodge a complaint), during which you can still legally drive.

If your caught doing these speed limits,(along with a few other traffic offsenses including drunk driving) your licence is disqualified on the spot and your car is impounded on the spot. You don't have 28 days to lodge a complaint....The police give you a court date to attend within this period, to answer the complaint.

Both are classic examples of guilty until proven innocient.

Once your licence is disqualified, you are not permitted to drive a motor vehicle anywhere within this country.

Where I think you're getting confused is, when caught speeding under 45 KPH limit, (and other traffic infringement notices) you have the option to contest the ticket by lodging a complaint within 28 days to the courts. This is the case whereby you are innocient until proven guilty, therefore allowed to legally drive anywhere within the country.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone

Last edited by svo supporter; 11-03-2012 at 01:22 AM.
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Old 11-03-2012, 01:55 AM   #236
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by XB GS 351 Coupe

I wish I was as hard and tough as you, I am sure a hero like yourself would stop the cops from putting your car onto stilt tray.......NOT

Yes, I'm sure if I found myself in a situation in which my car was going to be confiscated and I looked in the mirror and saw a toyota aurion rolling on 205's that I would obediently pull over immediately and wait for the stilt (SIC) tray........NOT

Folks run foul of the law for a handful of $20 notes they have just taken from the poor kid behind the counter of the local 7 11. So it shows extreme closed mindedness on your part to think someone would not take any measures to protect 60 or 70 grand worth of their own property when pushed.

I would torch it in my own yard rather than hand it over to the state.

Oh, and in future I will aspire to be as tough as you hiding behind the keyboard, or indeed a badge and gun
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Old 11-03-2012, 02:59 AM   #237
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Haha, you are a clown

Now you suggest that after speeding to level where you would have your car confiscated, you would follow that with a police persuit, that now carries a mandatory prison sentence (Skye's Law) in NSW

People like you is why we have to have these laws in place in the first place
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Old 11-03-2012, 03:35 AM   #238
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

I guess that's my point. I agree what I would do is probably not rational. But if someone would engage in a pursuit for the dumb reasons they do, say cause they don't know if they've had 4 or 6 beers, rather than biting the bullet and going "I've f*$%ed up and am going to the watchhouse", why would you think when there actually is something substantial at stake they would not run. If I am speeding except in very rare circumstances I would accept I have done the wrong thing and cop a reasonable penalty that is in proportion to the offence. Hell even if it is outlandish I would just get on with life, but what we are talking about enters the realms of ridiculous. In the case of my car, a $70,000 fine for the second offence in 5 years. This is not a rational situation and I would therefore not react in a rational way. I don't think I am alone.

I have at no point said I condone speeding. I would rather not waste time on a one legged **** kicking contest like that.

Bad legislation results in bad outcomes. You should think for yourself a little instead of quoting the materials produced by the state.
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Old 11-03-2012, 04:43 AM   #239
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Originally Posted by svo supporter
If your caught doing these speed limits,(along with a few other traffic offsenses including drunk driving) your licence is disqualified on the spot and your car is impounded on the spot. You don't have 28 days to lodge a complaint....The police give you a court date to attend within this period, to answer the complaint.

Both are classic examples of guilty until proven innocient.

Once your licence is disqualified, you are not permitted to drive a motor vehicle anywhere within this country.

Where I think you're getting confused is, when caught speeding under 45 KPH limit, (and other traffic infringement notices) you have the option to contest the ticket by lodging a complaint within 28 days to the courts. This is the case whereby you are innocient until proven guilty, therefore allowed to legally drive anywhere within the country.
You do realise this country has different states with different laws, right? He is talking about Victoria. I can tell you 100% he is correct. In Victoria The ONLY way to get an immediate suspension(note NOT a disqualification - which is a totally different thing and is ONLY done by the court) is under Section 51 of the RSA, for drink or drug driving.

Automatic suspension's for speeding exist in Victoria, however they are not immediate and require either an appearance in court or for the infringement notice to be proven.
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Old 11-03-2012, 08:49 AM   #240
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Default Re: New Nsw Car Hoon Laws . Grandma Policing .

Keep it on topic and not personal.

If someone disagrees with your position they are not your sworn enemy they are just someone who disagrees with you.
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