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Old 16-05-2005, 11:10 PM   #31
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I have sat back & watched & laughed at all of the uneducated city folk talk .........

As was said previously ..... Us country folk have our way & city folk have theirs...................I find it hard to believe that you city slickers could actually live on top of each other & not have the ability to enjoy open spaces & have buzz boxes that are riced to the max surrounding you ............You obviously enjoy that ............

I know the term 'Wheat' has been used previously & I am proud of that ............. We are not rice ...... we NEED bullbars & spotlights .......... We arnt afforded the luxuary of street lights on every road nor the freedom of aminal infested areas that WILL take out an entire car in one hit.

Laugh as you may ................. I know we have the last laugh as most of you lot will never know the fun & mayhem that a B&S can offer ....... nor the fresh air we breath....... nor the fresh meat & vege we eat ........ nor ... well I could go on with our benifits ................ but I wont ........ we dont need city slickers up here to ruin our fun .....................
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Old 16-05-2005, 11:38 PM   #32
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And we don't need RM Willams mud flaps dragging behind out utes!

Naw seriously I see the point in big bull bars, spotties and CB antennas, but you have to draw a line. And that line is well before Kenworth mudflaps, side pipes/stacks and checkerplate side skirts.
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Old 17-05-2005, 07:13 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by dogbreath_48
sooo....you have to have mental disorders treated to enjoy the site?
Not necessarily, but it helps.....oops, there I go again

Originally Posted by MotherNature
I have sat back & watched & laughed at all of the uneducated city folk talk .........

As was said previously ..... Us country folk have our way & city folk have theirs...................I find it hard to believe that you city slickers could actually live on top of each other & not have the ability to enjoy open spaces & have buzz boxes that are riced to the max surrounding you ............You obviously enjoy that ............

I know the term 'Wheat' has been used previously & I am proud of that ............. We are not rice ...... we NEED bullbars & spotlights .......... We arnt afforded the luxuary of street lights on every road nor the freedom of aminal infested areas that WILL take out an entire car in one hit.

Laugh as you may ................. I know we have the last laugh as most of you lot will never know the fun & mayhem that a B&S can offer ....... nor the fresh air we breath....... nor the fresh meat & vege we eat ........ nor ... well I could go on with our benifits ................ but I wont ........ we dont need city slickers up here to ruin our fun .....................

Calm down Lisa

Let's get one thing cleared up, I've lived in the country, and I know what hard work is, on the land. I've also been to a B&S, or two, and if I make a comment such as I did, it comes from experience, and I've earned the right. There are some good times to be had living in the country. However, I draw the line at makin' a toyota look like a Kenworth. I can 'hoop and holler' with the best of 'em, but never saw the upside of somebody gettin' hurt while "doin' some circle work" (yeah, it happens).

City folk can be strange.....and ignorant. For instance, bullbars on any vehicle is not a fashion statement out there, but an absolute 'Gotta Have'. The same can't be said for pretty chrome nudge bars on suburban 4 wheel drives that only ever take the kids to school and park at the local Woolworths. Also, there are just as many braindead morons in the city, as in the country, and they are just as oblivious to their condition.

Mind you, even Australian country folk are willing to have a good laugh at the expense of so called 'Trailer Trash' from the states. That basically equates to city folk taking a stab at their 'country cousins'.
Originally Posted by Barry Sheene on a V8 Supercar telecast
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Old 17-05-2005, 12:45 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Tote
Hmm so you liked these people when you went out with one but now you *** hate them, sounds like sour grapes to me

no I never liked these people and never hang out with that crowd, I met the chick at a friends place and well, now you know the rest
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Old 17-05-2005, 08:24 PM   #35
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i reckon u cant beat a good BnS, my utes still a progress thing but everyone got there things so if us country bunkins aint good enought for the hob snob standard of someone jealous of our utes they can jump hehehehe, nice web site keep the pics rollin in
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Old 17-05-2005, 09:00 PM   #36
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I think you would find that there is little if any that would take a country ute over a city ute anyday. I think if they wanted that sort of thing they would buy a truck. Theyre are alright if not overdone but the ones ive seen just look crap. There is nothing wrong with bull bars if they are not oversized same with mud flaps. And you dont need a massive amount of lights to see anything. Sure headlights arent gonna cut it but some people go overboard.
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Old 17-05-2005, 09:16 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by MotherNature
I have sat back & watched & laughed at all of the uneducated city folk talk .........

As was said previously ..... Us country folk have our way & city folk have theirs...................I find it hard to believe that you city slickers could actually live on top of each other & not have the ability to enjoy open spaces & have buzz boxes that are riced to the max surrounding you ............You obviously enjoy that ............

I know the term 'Wheat' has been used previously & I am proud of that ............. We are not rice ...... we NEED bullbars & spotlights .......... We arnt afforded the luxuary of street lights on every road nor the freedom of aminal infested areas that WILL take out an entire car in one hit.

Laugh as you may ................. I know we have the last laugh as most of you lot will never know the fun & mayhem that a B&S can offer ....... nor the fresh air we breath....... nor the fresh meat & vege we eat ........ nor ... well I could go on with our benifits ................ but I wont ........ we dont need city slickers up here to ruin our fun .....................
And MBFNW (tm) food and entertainment rocks (tm)!

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Originally Posted by MRJUCY
Simple give the car a rev & have a listen a Windsor makes a sort of wheezy drone similar to an angry Hugh Grant when a Clevo will sound like Satan has woke up with a hangover & realized he is out of coffee & cigarettes
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Old 17-05-2005, 10:11 PM   #38
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I will now add that I was born & bred in the city .... Sydney to be precise ............

I do realise that some take things way overboard with the additives ........ but on the whole theres nothing better than going to a local show or Rodeo & seeing the Ute comps .......... We even have feral ute sections .......... one that won at our last show refused to start at the end..... might have been something to do with the fact it was a holden ute though :P

MITCAYH......... sweety ....... get the wool from your eyes darl :P ........... how much night time driving have you done in the country ?>?????????????? Yes a very few go overboard with lights ...... but I can tell you I would prefer to see everything than nothing ........
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Old 17-05-2005, 10:13 PM   #39
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What is understood does not need to be discussed - Sammy Hagar

In other words if you dont "get it" you aint going to.
OF COURSE the B&S utes are larger than life with big spotties, mudflaps etc, OF COURSE they arent all needed, but that is the nature of the beast. You could ask why someone would paint graphics on a Supra and put a white leather interior in it as well, thats not practical, thats over the top, some would even say offensive, or to use another example, the EL described in another thread, why put an XR6 T motor in it, you can't legally use the horsepower and its just cop bait. (in some people's opinions)
Everyone has a different idea of what looks good according to the environment they fit into. If you drove your car 500Km on crap roads every couple of weekends to socialise and used it as a shooting vehicle, a firewood carter, and a work vehicle you'd soon find out that they don't stay pretty for long, so having a nice car like you can have in town is pretty much out of the question. Consequently people find other ways to personalise their ride and in aggie circles the more feral the better.
Having said that there's always the ****ers just like any crowd but I've yet to see a serious blue inside a B&S and I've seen people nearly killed in pubs and nightclubs so maybe the country hicks arent all bad.

I was listening to Triple J tonight and they had a brief piece on the rural economy and how it's affecting young people. Consider this for a moment. You are a cocky's son, your dad owns (say) 4000 Acres and you will inherit it some day, the farm has been in the family for 4 generations and is part of your identity.(sounds pretty good so far ay)
In these times the farm might be bringing in $60K or so a year, this money has to support your parents who want to move to the coast and retire and it has to support you and possibly your partner in a reasonable lifestyle. Suddenly the new XR8 ute seems a long way away and your thoughts turn to what you can do on the cheap with the old ute in the shed.
You are penalised by the fact that on paper the farm is worth a couple of million bucks but what are you going to do with yourself if you cash it in and imagine the guilt of being the son who "couldnt make a go of it" .

I dont mean to hijack what was a pretty lighthearted thread but I'm sure that people who grow up on the land have a lot more weighing on their minds from an eartlier age than townie folk and that the need to be able to make your own entertainment may account for some of the differences from mainstream culture.
In case you can't guess I grew up on a farm and we carried on in much the same way as young country people today except we drove X series utes or Kingswoods. The thing that always struck us was the inability of people from the city to entertain themselves, we were known to pull up in a paddock in the middle of nowhere and spend most of the night drinking on a tailgate then sleep it off in the back of the ute. When we had parties in woolsheds etc usually people from town would be invited as we knew them from work, boarding school, or they had come to work in town etc. Invariably at about 11:00 they would decide that they were bored and needeed to go to town to the pub or whatever and would usually arrive back equally bored a couple of hours later when the pub shut to find the rest of us still yarning, dancing, rooting or whatever and couldnt see why we were having such a good time.
In contrast whenever we went out in town we were equally able to have a good night without worrying about whether we had the right clothes or were drinking the drink of the moment.
I'll stop my rant now but it's always good to experience life from another perspective, if you don't like it you can walk away, its still a (mostly) free country.

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Old 17-05-2005, 10:33 PM   #40
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Tote ..... I wish I was as articulate as you matey ............ You are so spot on it isnt funny .........

Ohhhhhhh & my 40th in ...ummmmmmm...... a couple of years .... will be in a Woolshed as a joint party with one of my mates :P

Bring It On
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Old 17-05-2005, 10:47 PM   #41
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I havent read this thread in its entirety but from what i gather there is a bit of a debate about the so called 'B&S' types and their cars and the 'country' types.

Get one thing straight, thats 2 different types right there. Not all Country dwellers have bullbars, stickers, aerials and spotties - in fact you'll find most real country people who drives utes have abshed up ones with 200,000km+ - because they are work utes and thats what they do - they work. Yeah spotties might be on there too, and maybe a bullbar but I have no problem with people who need them cos they work around stock/kangaroos etc having a big bullbar on the front of their vehicle.

What I DO have a problem with is these idiots in their AU utes (sorry but there just seems to be so many of them) with kenworth stickers, longhorn stickers and "country girls go everywhere" (oh please) sh!t all over the back window. These are the morons who have stormwater pipes for exhausts and who go to "B&S" balls - good on them, go for your life but dont bring those godawful abominations into my town, i hate them.

As I said, dont paint everyone with the same brush. My GF's dad has an XH with a bullbar and spotties and thats because he goes fox shooting (he's a farmer and its lambing time) and does a LOT of kms over rough terrain.

Anybody who doesnt live on a farm can have a bullbar but you're just making yourself out to be a complete ****er who does have it for any other reason than brag factor - common example being the Toorak Tractors fitted with bullbars to make Mum + 2.5 kids fee safer on the way to school.
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Old 17-05-2005, 11:02 PM   #42
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sorry if anyone on here owns this ute, but I think this is what b2tf is referring to and i agree 100%, what is it besides **** factor that the little orange lights are for on the stone deflectors?

forsale on Ebay for $10000


now you can have a look at my ute

and you might say, what the f**k are you having a go at these people for when yours has stone deflectors and a nudge bar.

well, they came with the ute when I bought it and as soon as the funds are available, they will be coming off and a Pursuit 250 kits and XR50 bar will be going on

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Old 17-05-2005, 11:33 PM   #43
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xceler8shun ... matey ..... you know I love your ute for what it is ..........

It is not a B&S ute & never will be .............. your ute & the B&S blokes are in a diffrent category ........... the other blokes never intend to tread on your toes & I know you are the same......... Yes they have big hats & tight Wranglers ... mmmmmm yummy .... but I digress .......

I know you are trying to defend the nice natural utes & you have every right to ....... but those of us who dont mind the heavyset stance of the B&S utes have voices too ...... we are allowed to stand up & say YES we like them ............

Just because many dont sit on the net all the time cause their working or dont know a particular forum is here doesnt mean we few cant voice our opinion ..........
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Old 18-05-2005, 05:44 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Tote
I was listening to Triple J tonight and they had a brief piece on the rural economy and how it's affecting young people. Consider this for a moment. You are a cocky's son, your dad owns (say) 4000 Acres and you will inherit it some day, the farm has been in the family for 4 generations and is part of your identity.(sounds pretty good so far ay)
In these times the farm might be bringing in $60K or so a year, this money has to support your parents who want to move to the coast and retire and it has to support you and possibly your partner in a reasonable lifestyle. Suddenly the new XR8 ute seems a long way away and your thoughts turn to what you can do on the cheap with the old ute in the shed.
You are penalised by the fact that on paper the farm is worth a couple of million bucks but what are you going to do with yourself if you cash it in and imagine the guilt of being the son who "couldnt make a go of it" .
sob sob sob......you're bringing tears to my eyes. I feel so selfish and will never be rid of the guilt. I should never have been so upset over losing my house and being in a deep financial hole over a bad buisiness deal. Those poor young people in the country are obviously the true downtrodden in Australia. I have been so wrong in my belief that side stacks and Kenworth mudflaps were by some stupid, tasteless choice.......but, in fact it was just that the financial pressure of family commitment, and carrying our nation on their backs made them dillusional.

Gimme a bloody break mate!
Originally Posted by Barry Sheene on a V8 Supercar telecast
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Old 18-05-2005, 09:54 AM   #45
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Lisa, I know where you coming from and respect your opinons, always will

I can see the practicality in having a bullbar and spotlights out where you are, I grew up and lived out there as well.

But its the excessive whippies, truck mudflaps and little orange lights on the skirts that make me laugh
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Old 18-05-2005, 10:07 AM   #46
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I'm afraid I've got to take you to task.
I feel sorry for you over your financial situation and wish you luck with your future.
I wasnt trying to imply that the reason people do their cars up that was was because of guilt as you say but rather was trying to highlight a possible reason for the cultural divide between town dwellers and country folk which is obviously huge from the responses on this thread.

Rural Suicide is a real problem and more research needs to be done to determine the reasons behind it, however I will try and explain myself further.

Kids who grow up on farms have an entirely different upbringing to city kids, (which is neither better or worse, just different) Instead of the weekends being time to play sport or go to the shops or hang around with mates, kids are much more likely to help mum and dad on the farm with whatever farm work is happening, hence they are driving tractors from an early age, they get motorbikes not to go motorcross riding but to round up sheep and generally only get into organised sport in their teens when they are looking for an excuse to get away from the parents as most teenagers do. They do these activities not because thay are forced by the way, but because they are more fun that hanging around the one cafe in town with the town kids.

Farming is a way of life, not a job which is why people still do it for minimal financial reward. Some people leave school, go to uni, get a highly paid job and never look back and dont understand what the fuss is all about, but there are others who go to AG College, drive trucks, shear sheep or do whatever they need to do to suppliment on farm income to enable them to stay on the farm.

Selling the farm is not always the same as losing a business as in a lot of cases the land is reasonably debt free and when the place is sold people are quite well off, the reason for selling is that the income stream from the farm isnt enough to live off comfortably. As I said in my previous post it can be quite traumatic to have the home and the place that you assumed from an early age would be yours, as it was your father's, gone and have to adapt to a completely different lifestyle.

I grew up in the bush and of the circle of mates that I had who were all off farms only one has continued on the land. The rest of us have successful lives by any measure, but I'm sure we'd swap the lifestyles in a second, if not the financial woes.

All of which has strayed a long way from the original topic of this thread, I'm sorry. Country people don't want pity from city dwellers but they get ****ed off when people who have no understanding of their way of life try and tell them what to do.

/end rant, Im off to have a rum

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Old 18-05-2005, 11:01 AM   #47
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I can not honestly see what most people's problem is with them. Sure some of them might be over the top, but it just shows the character and personality of those people. I've got two mates here at uni with B&S utes and they're the nicest people you'd ever know. Ones a mechanical engineer, the other a vet. So much for country hicks.

And what's wrong with having kenworth mudflaps on the back, and stickers etc? Most of the members on this forum lower their falcons, tint the windows, meaty exhausts, put huge rims on and FPR stickers on the rear windows to make them more like their idles, the mighty v8 supercar. Except out in the country, the mighty v8 supercar is not as idolised, instead its mack or kenworth trucks (which some countrypeople have passionate debates over just like ford v holden). Most city people grew up watching v8s, bush kids watched the trucks keep their way of lives on the move.

So next time your cruising around, that country hick behind you could be thinking "It's not a v8 supercar, why are you trying to make it one? What a try hard, get a life moron."
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Old 18-05-2005, 07:55 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by ef5l
haha i no what your sayin you see all these vs utes driving around bradon with brindi boys up the side its a laugh.

lol@brindi boys lol seen the ferrel chicks thay cruise with ****in pig dog brain deads
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Old 18-05-2005, 08:24 PM   #49
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I dont think ive met anyone in canberra whos seen the brindi boys and actually think its good.
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Old 19-05-2005, 12:07 PM   #50
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i agree wid u donno completly, being country bred people my fiance and i think that alot of those young blokes drivin around town with their sooped up v8s and lower to almost rubbin against the pavement and that doof doof music commin out their windows are idiots, but are we sittin here ridicallin them oh no lets these other morons go against something they don't know about or understand, we get alot of respect from everyone out the bbush if u have a bns ute or car or my mums station wagon, its our way of life and or relax time after a hard days work on the cattle/sheep station.
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Old 19-05-2005, 02:47 PM   #51
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ok well... as i said in the start of the thread my brother owns one of these B&S utes. And as i said, its not really my thing. I luv my ghia, with the chrome and big wheels etc. But I can appreciate his love for his ute.

He held his own ute show a couple of months ago, and i really wasnt all that interested in going, but doing the right sisterly thing i turned up. It wasnt long before they started with the circle work and music playing. I tell you what, the atmosphere on that day was awesome, and I was really glad i went.

So as much as i will admit, B&S utes and all that go with them is not quite my "thing" but what the heck, anyone that will get out and do some circle work and have some fun is good in my books.
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Old 19-05-2005, 03:07 PM   #52
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The thing is there conception of “Circle Work” is a little different to mine.
I also attended a “Ute Day” and was asked to join in the fun, so I thought I would start it off, I drove my ute around to the road and lit it up, some nice smoke as a result, only to return and be laughed at, in fact some of them where rolling around the ground they were laughing so much and I was told, “ I will show YOU how circle work is done, he jumped in his feral ute and cut sick in the dirt, throwing rocks and dirt all over us all, I was ****ed off and the rest where cheering and loved it.
The feral ute type people have no appreciation of a “nice car” they have totally different values. I would rather Burn my rubber than eat their dirt any day.
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Old 19-05-2005, 11:12 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by MissUnderstood
he jumped in his feral ute and cut sick in the dirt, throwing rocks and dirt all over us all, I was ****ed off and the rest where cheering and loved it.
Reminds me of a rude awakening at a mates 21st. One guy woke up in his swag staring at the tailgate of a ute 2m away. I have never seen someone who need a shower more first thing in the morning.
93 ED Futura, I6, KKK500r Turbo, Dev 5 head, custom Surecam, TKO500, Lokka. 250rwkw@4000rpm, 9psi, and lots of boost taper.

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Old 10-09-2005, 09:39 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by MITCHAY
I dont think ive met anyone in canberra whos seen the brindi boys and actually think its good.
The sad thing is the brindi boys arent even really country, they are just a bunch of bums who like the lifestyle and have marked lambs once if at all. They dont even goto the brindibella's, just B&S's. If you think all chicks at a B&S are feral, think again! A few are quite do able, but yeh plenty of sea donkeys just like the toulahs(fat pizza) in the city. You can pick the city slickers at a b&s as they always look like walker texas ranger, with their big black texan longhorn hats. There is benefits to each lifestyle, and im happy i am only 40km out of canberra in a small town so i can pick the best from both, cheers.
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Old 11-09-2005, 02:02 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Quasi
sob sob sob......you're bringing tears to my eyes. I feel so selfish and will never be rid of the guilt. I should never have been so upset over losing my house and being in a deep financial hole over a bad buisiness deal. Those poor young people in the country are obviously the true downtrodden in Australia. I have been so wrong in my belief that side stacks and Kenworth mudflaps were by some stupid, tasteless choice.......but, in fact it was just that the financial pressure of family commitment, and carrying our nation on their backs made them dillusional.

Gimme a bloody break mate!
I think that was a little uncalled for Quasie , maybe even alot . While I dont like these over shinney bit covered utes with more lights than the Macey's Christmas tree , I still respect their right to have the ute they want to have ! I hope my out look is the same as theirs , If they like thier own ute , Thats "ALL" that matters ! I feel the same about my cars . I dont realy Give a shyte what anybody thinks of my cars ! I love tehm and thats why I have built them !
Real cars dont wear bowties

I'm not arrogent , Just superior
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Old 11-09-2005, 12:07 PM   #56
burn out king
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brindi boys=dillusional but thay allways get a good laugh. there from down south somewhere like banks or gordon .
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