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Old 25-04-2016, 07:06 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 7,940
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Default Do you carry anything in your car to defend yourself?

In this day and age with more stories of car jacking, road rage, and drug induced crime, do you carry anything in your car (close at hand) in the event you needed to defend yourself or your family while out on the roads?

Purely for self defence of course, and in an event that warrants the use of such an item depending on the situation.

I'm not talking about carrying anything illegal such as firearms or knives or a weapon you are not licensed to carry or possess.

I'm talking about items that are not generally considered as "weapons" (although I realise that any household item, tool or object can be considered to be a weapon depending on the situation in which it is used and the force warranted to defend yourself, family or your property in each situation).

Some examples could be;

- A pointed umbrella
- A golf club
- A watchman's Maglite torch
- A large screwdriver
- A large wrench
- A tyre lever
- A tactical metal pen
- Even a bunch of keys, with a long key pointed outwards between two fingers in a clenched fist
- A small fire extinguisher
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