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Old 05-06-2012, 12:47 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default No changes pending for QLD SI (Special Interest) rego

Just thought I'd share an email I received from our QLD TMR (Dept. Transport Main Roads).

There was some discussion earlier in the year or late last year as to whether QLD would adopt or have a similar Special Interest Registration scheme as VIC? and SA? where there was an numbered allowance of days (e.g. 90) for the use of our classic vehicles. Such use would have been combined with entries in a logbook etc. Anyhow, I made an enquiry and offered it as a suggestion that would it would an improvment. I received the following response:

Dear <my name>
Thank you for yoursuggestion to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) regarding theadoption of a logbook system for the Special Interest Vehicle (SIV)Registration Concession Scheme.

The SIV RegistrationScheme was originally developed in consultation with the Queensland HistoricMotoring Council (QHMC) to provide car club members with a registration alternative for their classic historic vehicles. This essentially enables car enthusiasts to pursue their hobby of restoration and display of historicvehicle while receiving the benefit of reduced registration fees, providingthey restrict their usage to those approved by TMR. The registration fee andcompulsory third (CTP) insurance premium reflects the limited use that appliesto these vehicles.

Clubs play anintegral role with TMR in the management and control of the scheme. Thisincludes keeping members informed of the rules and conditions of use and assisting TMR in preventing abuse of those conditions. Registered operators inreceipt of a SIV concession are expected to retain current membership of anincorporated vehicle club. A list of approved uses can be found on theSIV guide located on TMR's website - http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Registrati...oncession.aspx.

A review of the SIVRegistration Concession Scheme was completed in 2008. As part of thisreview process, TMR approached the registration authorities in all states andterritories. Although a log book system was initially outside of the scope ofthe review, TMR did become aware that a log book system operated in 5 otherjurisdictions and details as to how each scheme operates was collated and considered as part of this review.

When comparing the concession scheme in Queensland with those in other states and territories, itwas determined that Queensland's scheme is simpler to administer, it does not impose any administration tasks on the QHMC or individual incorporated vehicleclubs nor does it restrict the enthusiast to a certain number of days vehicle usage per year.
The QHMC is a peakbody for the historic vehicle movement with more than one hundred affiliatedvehicle clubs. Members of the QHMC meet with TMR on a regular basis and maintain their support for the current scheme. It is, however, happy toreceive any comments or concerns about the scheme and can be contacted via thefollowing details;

Website: www.QHMC.org.ua
Mail: 1376 OldCleveland Road, Carindale Qld 4152

I trust the above information is of assistance. If you require further information regarding theSIV registration concession scheme, please contact me using the contact detailslisted below.

Kind regards,

name of officer
Transport Policy Officer | Registration& Licensing

Essentially, what I get from that; is that they couldn't be bothered with the potential work in administrating a change to the system.

And while they may not limit the number of days that you can drive your vehicle, the QLD restrictions don't allow you 'just take your car for a drive for a day' sort of thing unless it's a club organised event.

It's a shame. $850+ is a lot to pay for the ability to drive a car for a couple of times a year on full rego.

So, just letting you all know that it doesn't look like there will be any changes any time soon (if at all).

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Last edited by lilmattie; 05-06-2012 at 12:55 PM.
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