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Old 30-03-2005, 09:28 AM   #11
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Adelaide SA
Posts: 5,584

Its a supercharger, its a cooler, its a snack with flavour, its a religious icon that spins at 24,500rpm, its a bloody transformer! I call it BullshiTron.

Now, imagine this, its a cold morning and the birds are frozen to the fence, and your wife is arguing with you over your purchase of an $80 fan instead of food this week. You get angry and storm out and climb into your ute.

You start the engine, and a few things happen.

1st the depleted uranium battery in the back of the ute, farts into life and delivers voltage to your 24,500rpm wheel of fortune that you have jammed into your intake.

It whirrs with strength as it fills the manfold with air, then starts to fart as it realizes that due to laws of fluid dynamics that it cannot push any more air into the volume, and it starts to bleed backwards past it. Congratulations! You have achieved peak output for this device at idle

But it also cools as well as pushes, so lets explore that as well. Due to the laws of thermal dynamics, a fan CAN NOT and DOES NOT cool air.

We feel cool in front of a fan because the moving air removes our body heat and evaporate the moisture on our skin at the same time. (Evaporation of water is an endothermic process.) So your fan takes heat from point A, and moves it quickly to Point B inside the airflow, just like the engine would anyway without the aid of the spinning holy icon of high speed "fanology". So theres three ways of doing things, The Right Way, The Wrong Way, and the Mont106 Way, which is the wrong way, just quicker!

So what exactly does this fan do again? Ah yes thats right, we are "densing" the air. Well dense seems about right, dense does have a part to play in this thread. There is a denseness in the area.

Now lets get back to the point, You pull out into the street, and find a long piece of quiet country road in which to break the record for single most stupid high speed event. You then gun the car to 178kph. The fan quickly finds it cannot keep up with the engine vacuum, and begins to be pulled by the engine vacuum instead of pushing air into the manifold, creating drag, drag = restriction. Your wire mesh "safety" Screen which you said is non restrictive? Guess what?? Its restrictive! Yay! Wanna know why? Cause anything that sits inside the air intake that takes up volume and does nothing but impede flow, is called...a... restriction!

Long story short, you obviously missed the tree, and raced home to tell us all about your electric asscharger. Your wife still thinks you are a git, and the kids look at you as if you just received a heavy blow to the head.

1965 XP Falcon Deluxe Sedan
1978 XC Falcon Wagon Rallypack
2003 BA Fairlane G220

Windsor Powah!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7hT9dxD2hM

Last edited by Sourbastard; 30-03-2005 at 09:36 AM. Reason: cause im a norty boy
Sourbastard is offline  

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