Originally Posted by Kenaz
Wouldn't you just try and sell it if you were unhappy, rather than carry on like a baby?
Theres a thing called principle. How is he carrying on like a baby? He has obviously gone via the normal channels to rectify the problems, and got nowhere. Or do you just lay down and die whenever someone screws you over? He is taking the most prominent avenue of protest he could find. What would an old digger from the war era do ya reckon. Thats the problem with this country today, no spirit, no fight, unless youre tanked and some other tanked imbicile bumps youre frilly umbrella drink.
As for anyone else who feels the guy was wrong because it annoys you. He simply did something with his own car and
youre annoyed. Yet you expect people to believe if this happened to you, you would just sell it. Think about the contradiction in that.