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Old 08-06-2023, 05:34 AM   #10
five 7
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Ben Roberts-Smith, Judge says he is a murderer

Don't want to go into the why's and where fores but if it ever goes to criminal trial, that the politician/politicians that sent these boys there, they are standing in the dock beside him, they are part of the machine that created and control the SAS, they know full well why these troops exist and what they are capable of. They (SAS) are the big stick/junk yard dog that gets let off the leash, as with a dangerous dog the owner should always get held to account as well.
Politicians are complicit in this, maybe next time if they can be held liable they might think twice before sending troops to places at the beck and call of others.
I'm picking as we speak there will be Australian SAS running around the Ukraine just history repeating its self. Might not be official and probably on secondment to British SAS but they will be there.
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