Oh well... No harm in trying... Here's what found it's way to my inbox today.
Bar steds..
=============================begin email==============
Dear JanTRAFFIC EXPIATION NUMBER P253849Thank you for your letter in response to the expiation notice for Stop on a Path, Dividing Strip, or Nature Strip offence observed on 25-Jul-2024, which was issued in accordance with the Australian Road Rules. Your appeal was considered by the Community Compliance Assessment Unit, and after consideration of all the facts available to us, the Unit has declined to withdraw the expiation on this occasion.The decision was reached on the basis that your appeal does not constitute a defence under the Act. The officer’s evidence also supports the offence being committed.Accordingly, you are required to expiate the $116.00 expiation fees total by 23-Sep-2024.Should you be experiencing any financial difficulties I recommend you consider contacting the Chief Recovery Officer on 1800 659 538 or visit website
www.fines.sa.gov.au for further information, as they may be able to assist you. If you have any queries about this matter you can contact our office Monday – Friday between 8.30am & 5.00pm on 8406 8222.
======================end of email=====================
Case closed.
It's very interesting that the wording seems to be (from memory) exactly the same as the email I got many years ago for a cun sell fine.
I am uming and arr ing about how I deal with this.
Option one: Go to the bank and get $116.00 in 10 cent coins to pay the fine in person... Nah, it's not the persons fault that's going to be stuck with counting it... and will take up to much of my time. And yes, they have to accept it as it's legal tender.
Option 2: Pay it off at $5.00 per fortnight.. cause I'm poor.. maybe.
Option 3: Hope their computer system crashes, along with all of their backups and the fine simply goes away. Not likely.
Option 4: Wait for other fiendish ideas from you guys to make them suffer.
Just like the majority of you guys said. Your gunna have to pay it. I hate to say it, but you were right.
Thanks for your replies. Was worth a shy at the stumps.
One Man...
Over and out.