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Old 18-08-2024, 10:05 PM   #8
You can't fix stupid
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Default Re: Council parking fine help: word smiths NEED apply please..

Thanks for your valuable input. I most certainly did NOT think you were having a dig my friend, and value your feedback.

I showed her the draft that I posted here, and she pointed out something oblivious to me... She is NOT in palliative care. She is in rehabilitation. Oops, my bad.

I learnt the difference.. one means your gunna be toes up soon, and the other means your on the mend... which she is. Sorry for the misunderstanding and my lack of medical knowledge.

The supporting documents won't be a problem, hospital notes, letter from GP, physio, nursing staff if need be.

Originally Posted by arm79 View Post
Get rid of the
Every man and his dog knows you cant park on a nature strip because its government land and fines apply...
Parking on a footpath, yeah, I know this, parking where i did, not so much.
Blocking a driveway, sure, fire hydrant, yeppers. All good. But as you can kinda see in the pic, it's a huge space, yes it's on a corner, or rather a bend in the same named road. So can't really see an issue with it other than to raise some funds for the mayors end of year bottle(s) of plonk.

Originally Posted by arm79 View Post
And that line I put in bold will really **** them off and make them dig in.
Hmm, yes, I see your point. I guess that's why I asked for some pointers. It seemed fine and dandy to me, the wording, angle etc.. but, yeah. Trying NOT to P-I-S-S them off full stop.

Originally Posted by arm79 View Post
The best way you'll probably help get out of it is plead the compassion angle as you are and put it down to a brain fart due to the rush of doing someone a favour and the emotions tied to the event.
I like it. I will sleep on it some more. It's taken me a week just to get as far as I have, thinking about the wording. I have contested a parking fine I got in the truck many years ago, albeit, unsuccessfully, but hey, I'm up for a challenge. Keeps my mind ticking over...
Thanks again for you input. Every bit helps.
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