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Old 18-08-2024, 02:08 PM   #6
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Perth
Posts: 833
Default Re: Council parking fine help: word smiths NEED apply please..

Your letter sounds fine, I would definitely give it a go. Maybe say in the letter that the helping friend was from interstate and didn't know the rules.

When I lived in Adelaide I stopped at a shop on the way home (possibly Main North Road?). Can't remember the exact details but it was no parking during PM peak times and had signs saying as much BUT the signs did not denote specific times. I wrote them a letter (with supporting pics) saying I was from WA and I didn't know what times I wasn't allowed to park there. Most places in WA you are allowed to park on verges as long as you don't block driveways/paths/hydrants etc.
I got a letter saying the fine was being cancelled. 2 weeks later the signs were modified to include the specific times the PM bus lane was active.
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