Get rid of the
not knowing that it was in fact a non parking zone.
There are no signs to state that you may not park on the grass. There is however, a yellow road marking line that indicates you may not park on the road itself, this is accepted as a known
road rule.
Every man and his dog knows you cant park on a nature strip because its government land and fines apply... At least I thought it did. But you won't win points on trying to point out an irrelevant technicality as ignorance is no excuse of the law.
And that line I put in bold will really **** them off and make them dig in.
The best way you'll probably help get out of it is plead the compassion angle as you are and put it down to a brain fart due to the rush of doing someone a favour and the emotions tied to the event. Hope that they see issue for what it is and show compassion. You'd also want to include paperwork supporting proof as to where your friend was at the time, letters and admittance documents.
There is also the more morbid angle if I read the situation at written. If someone is in palliative care then just let the thing slide. They may nor be able to collect on the fine if you just let it drag out and the possible inevitable happens.
And I'm not trying to have a dig with the start of this post. I'm with you and probably the majority of Australia. We might not own that strip of land, but we are expected to maintain and care for it with no right to use it. And if we do we get fined for it. Its a massive bunch of BS.