Originally Posted by FoxtrotGolfXray 5.0
You've got nothing to lose by trying, but based on my past experience, I don't think you will have success. The only hope you have is that you get someone sympathetic to your friends circumstances, but finding someone like that in council by law enforcement is harder than finding a reasonably priced new rwd family sized sedan to purchase!Good luck. And all the very best to your friend.
Thanks for the quick reply Mr.
Hmm, bugga. Was kinda really hoping that was NOT going to be the case... rules etc as that you mentioned. Got to hear a point of view other than my own. I talk to myself when I need expert advice.. lets hope it pays off.
I forgot to mention that the fine is 120 gazoolas.
It's just the principal that s-h-i-t-s me. Money thieving barstards.
Hoping other team members chime in with a copy / template of their success letter(s).
Thanks fella.
One Man.
-- -
HSV, I've stopped trying to beat one (cause they've all been stolen)
Current ride:
2007 TRD Aurion 3500s 128,000 Kays and climbing