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Old 18-08-2024, 09:15 AM   #1
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Default Council parking fine help: word smiths NEED apply please..

Hi Guys and Girls,
A friend of mine was recently issued a ticket from the local council (Salisbury, South Australia). I parked her car there while I was working on my 2 FG II Ecoboosts in the driveway. (picture of parking offence at end of this post)
I am in the process of fighting it. I am seeking some suggestions on the wording, so I can get this waived.

All of the info below is true and correct. Here is what I have drafted so far. It needs to be dealt with before the 24th of this month.
Thanks in advance guys,

One Man.

============== begin email draft ===============

My name is Jan xxxxxx, I live at 11 xxxx Ave.

I was recently issued with an expiation notice for “Stop on a path, Dividing strip, or Nature Strip” on the 30th July 2024, Expiation notice number: P253849.

I was in hospital at the time of the offence. My date of admission to the Lyell McEwin Hospital was Friday the 5th of July 2024.
I am still in palliative care, currently residing at Lutheran Homes Group Hope Valley.

I wish to explain the circumstances of the parking offence if I may.

I was unable to drive my car at the time the notice was issued, as I was in Hospital.
I was in the process of moving the contents of my garage to my daughters house when I became ill.

My friend offered to help me finish the garage clear out and inadvertently parked my car across the road, not knowing that it was in fact a non parking zone.

There are no signs to state that you may not park on the grass. There is however, a yellow road marking line that indicates you may not park on the road itself, this is accepted as a known
road rule. To the best of my knowledge, my car was only there for a very short time, and caused no-one any interruption or inconvenience, and moreover, posed no safety concerns.

I am truly sorry that this has happened and ask to seek some leniency in this matter, due to the nature and circumstances of the offence.
I am 80 years old and a widowed pensioner, with a very limited if not meagre income. If it was not for the help of my family and friends, I would be in fulltime residential care.


============== end of email draft ==============

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HSV, I've stopped trying to beat one (cause they've all been stolen)
Current ride:
2007 TRD Aurion 3500s 128,000 Kays and climbing
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