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Old 28-11-2020, 04:02 PM   #73
Falcon RTV - FG G6ET
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Default Re: victoria to tax hybrid & electric vehicles as of 2021.

Originally Posted by roKWiz View Post
Avocado and soy latte tax would raise a lot of cash.
Or premier, Pluckachook, in a speech a couple of years ago reminded everyone there that she owned all the rain that landed in QLD.
She also said during the recent election campaign there would be no new taxes.
I assume she ment this budget.
Next budget, well........

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RTV Power
FG G6ET 50th Anniversary in Sensation.
While the basic Ford Six was code named Barra, the Turbo version clearly deserved its very own moniker – again enter Gordon Barfield.
We asked him if the engine had actually been called “Seagull” and how that came about.
“Actually it was just call “Gull”, because I named it that. Because we knew it was going to poo on everything”.
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