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Old 28-02-2012, 05:37 PM   #20
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: australian oil refineries to close

it`s east to blame the many low income workers for wanting a better wage, just because some bright politician decided to join the fair trade agreement that was fair for the other countries and not ours, our living standards are going down the toilet, while the cost of living and doing business is rising faster than an elevator in the Dubai tower.
should we lower our standards because countrys like china have little or no social safety net, have child labor, have poor safety standards, why would you choose to join into a
an agreement that you know they will be /are exploiting from day one.
by the sound of it some of you blokes think we need to go down to poverty level to compete with these jokers,
but many are already going down that path, and this goes for our industry too.
the refinery`s are just another indication of our industry slowly being ground into the dust by rising costs.
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