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Old 23-02-2011, 09:10 PM   #12
xr8 ba ute
Join Date: May 2010
Location: hobart
Posts: 44

ok sorry been so busy this week.

the car was put over the pits this week, i had no intention of it passing but just to see what needs fixing.
surprisingly the fix it list was really small. the biggest job on the list was fix the rust around the bonnet hinge. which is properly the worst rusted part on the car. the other bit of rust is just below the tail light on the passenger side. welding new steel into the car wont be a problerm as im a boiler maker.

1 thing they did not pick on was the moment in the front end. if you grab hold of the tire at the top and yank on it, it moves and goes clunk. its not wheel bearing. it shakes like a bugger when you drive above 60. if anyone can give me any ideas to start looking at?

oh and do you think i can find the fuse box.

i adjusted up the hand brake nice and tight. but it still dosent lock on right.. maybe sand the or machine the inside of the drum? or brake cleaner?

and to finish it off i want power steering

ill put a few photos up when i get a chance.


XR8 UTE BA 2005
lightning strike, full leather, fpv 19s
4.11s, custom s/s 3'' exhaust, CAI
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