i smoked a pack a day for ten years, and i was sitting outside with with the bloke i was living with at the time having a smoke and i said to him " we should really think about quitting". he agreed and we both stopped the next day. two days later he was back on them and that gave me more of a reason to stay off them as i thought wow you really look pretty hopeless if you let something that is about 8cm long with no brain control your life. i have not had a smoke for two years last week.
the first month was the hardest, you think about em all the time and you find yourself with so much free time on your hands. i didn;t realise how much time in a day i actually spend smoking. you either have to block these moment out or find something else to do to keep you busy.
it does get easier as time goes on and the cravings will subside but you will still get one every now and again for example i always get one after smoko at work as there will always be someone on a site lighting on up just as i finish my last bit of food.
my best tip for you is if you can convince yourself that even one smoke with bring you weeks or months closer to death and cost you more that the money you have spent on it you should actually be able to scare yourself out of them and by the time you have thought about all of this the craving is gone. plus the extra cash is the best part. you can build that car you have always wanted with that extra 5k a year.