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Old 24-03-2007, 11:34 PM   #18
I love AU XR8s
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I have never smoked, so I cannot give you a personal account, but hopefully I can still help in some way.

I work in a pharmacy and talk to people all the time about quitting with patches/gum/lozenges etc and the one thing that I must stress to you is that you cannot rely on the patches to quit. I liken smokers who see them as the wonderful carefree solution to the people that come in looking for the weight loss solutions and don't plan to eat well and exercise, just to keep doing what they are doing and expect to lose weight.

From what I have gathered from customers who talk to me about it after it doesn't work and the couple that have come in to help their friends pick the right product for them is, if you view yourself as the solution and the patch as an aide, you are more likely to succeed.

Take active steps to help yourself, like getting a stress ball or something to play with in your hands if you get cravings (to stop yourself eating more aswell) as suggested earlier, tell your friends you need their support and tell them not to offer smokes to you and to refuse if you ever ask. Write down the reasons you want to quit and put them next to your mirror etc or carry them with you to look at when you feel like a smoke. Plan encouragement awards for milestones you reach. eg at 1 week go to the movies, 1 month buy yourself a small gift, 3 months something for the car, 6 months...

Most of all, if you do give in do not feel guilty, it is a chemical addiction and you are in constant battle with your body. Re-visit why you quit and ask yourself if you are committed to giving it another go. When you are ready, try again, but re-adjust your plan of attack.

I know I have said a lot for a person who doesn't personally know and I am only a pharmacy assistant, but I have seen a number of people in your position and I really hope you are successful in your efforts!
They're all broken. Forget about it. That's stupid - Neil Crompton - Telstra Sydney 500, 2010

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