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Old 24-03-2007, 10:43 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 10

Firstly well done on taking the first step.

I still smoke, but have quit cold turkey 3 times each lasted about 6months. But each time i was in hospital for 2 weeks (nothing related) and the drugs they used to flush my system made me not want a smoke at all after the 1st day. So, short of going into hospital, i wouldve tried to give up without patches 1st. You will eat a lot more, but clean your fridge out of junk food and snacks and ONLY have fresh fruit and vegetables. Meat & fish. Dont drink alcohol for a while (hard for me - i run a bottlo) And sure enough after about 3 or 4 days you'll feel better.

Just get some masking tape and put that on your arm rather than letting more nicotine into your system. All psychological.

Best of luck
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